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Bee's life - A teaspoon of honey     ミツバチの生涯、スプーン一杯のはちみつ



I am Yoko, a producer of eco wrap Byron Bay.

Finally, I’m writing my second blog! I wrote my the first one in life blog about the opening of our homepage while a go. As writing is not my cup of tea, it has been a real while since I wrote the last one.

Today, I’m going to talk about bees and beeswax that are high antibacterial and are the main ingredient of eco wrap.

Bees have nests and it is often said that there is one queen bee for one nest, several hundred male bees and tens of thousands of female bees for that nest.

The female bees that are the most numerous plays the role of working bees.

It is a female bee whose refinement is shortened, going out and collecting the nectar of flowers.

And, the honey that has gathered is distributed and stored by the young bees in the nest.

In this process, honey bee’s saliva (enzyme) is added to flower nectar, moisture evaporates with warm wind from honey bee's wing, then honey will be completed

However, the amount of honey that one bee gathers over a lifetime is really small. In fact, it is less than half a teaspoon.

A spoonful of delicious honey is the honey bee's lifetime work.

As it is so, we cannot waste any drops of the precious honey.

In order to make a waterproof nest to store honey, Honey bees secrete "wax" from the abdomen, which are used as their nest material.

In order to secret this wax, bees have to eat ten times the amount of honey.

This refined bee's nest is called "beeswax".

Bee 's nests are different ‘colors’ because of different seasonal flowers.

It is due to the color of pollen melting in honey that bees eat to make wax. When the flower of the tochi blooms orange, the nest turns into orange, and when the flower of Kihada blooms, the nest turns into yellow.

This natural color reflect beautifully on beeswax.

Working bees do child rearing, store honey and pollen in this nest. The rooms in the nest are all turning about 9 degrees to 14 degrees so that honey does not flow out.

Long before the history of human beings, honeybees have lived as insects with excellent social nature, and have been bring us a lot of grace, such as honey, royal jelly, propolis, pollen and beeswax.

Not only that but also bees are playing the role of pollinating 70% of crops.

As bees are working hard, we are able to eat tasty vegetables and fruits.

The beeswax that made by such bees, are excellent excellent for antibacterial action, moisturizing, waterproofing, so eco wrap really keeps vegetables and food fresher than ordinary plastic wraps.

The disposable plastic food wrap is made of petroleum and becomes a rubbish after one time use. Instead, eco wrap are made by natural products which are created by nature’s magic and so human can’t copy them. We are making eco wraps one by one with hope that people will feel richness in their heart by earth friendly action.


eco wrap Byron Bay を製作しているYOKOです。


私は本当に文章を書くのが苦手なのでだいぶ期間があいてしまいましたが、今回はeco wrap を作るのに主な原料となっている抗菌性の高い蜜蝋とミツバチについて紹介していきたいと思いまーす!




















そんなみつばちからの蜜蝋には抗菌作用、保湿、防水性にとっても優れているのでeco wrapは本当に通常のプラスチックラップよりも野菜や食べ物を新鮮に保ってくれるんす。

物に溢れる社会の中、機械で作られた大量生産の石油からできて一回でゴミとなってしまうプラスチックラップよりも、人には作れない素晴らしい自然の恵みと温かい人の手で作られた繰り返し使えるeco wrapを使うことで少しでも環境に優しく心や生活にゆとりや豊かさが芽生えてもらえたらという思い、そして母なる大地に感謝をして製作しています。

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